Monday, 6 January 2014

Christmas and a Plan

We've had a great Christmas with a big Nicholson early Christmas celebration at Sodwalls. This saw the kids with an oversupply of cousins to play with and some fantastic food and great company for Emma and I.

Cousins at Christmas

From here we had Christmas proper with grandparents in Port Macquarie where we have also enjoyed lots of relaxing beach time.


Angels off to sing carols
We are looking toward the end of our trip now and with many options and factors it has taken us a while to arrive at a plan (too many options seems to be the curse of cruising!). We have decided to buy a car and drive home to Hobart where the kids can start school and Emma can start University in February. Our great friends Frank and Adrienne are keen for a cruise so they will take over sailing Aratika 2 back to Hobart.

So this is probably our last post. It's been an awesome year of challenges, some hard times, lots of great times and overall an amazing family experience.  We've sailed a few thousand miles, visited amazing anchorages, snorkelled and swam heaps and really enjoyed seeing old friends and family while making great new friends. Thanks for reading.

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